Lego Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters

It’s Done!  I finally finished the Lego Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters!

  1. This was the largest Lego set I’ve ever done.
  2. This was the most awesome Lego set I have ever done.
  3. And when I say awesome, I mean really awesome!
  4. I can finally get back to my crochet projects.  Break is over.

Lego Ghostbusters11

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Note to Self: Always Buy an Extra Skein of Yarn

I’ve been seeing these hats with the fur pom poms and I wanted to make myself one.  I also wanted texture.  So I looked around for free patterns and didn’t find anything I liked, then went to Etsy and found a really cute pattern and bought it.

I started making my hat the week between Christmas and New Year.  I was up New Year’s Eve until midnight trying to finish it.  I got so close, I just needed maybe 3 or 4 more rows, but I ran out of yarn.

Note to Self

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