Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival 2019 Loot

Every time, I tell myself I’m not going to spend too much.  Then I end up spending too much.  I think partly I feel guilty, like I should buy from everyone, which is ridiculous.  And no, I don’t buy from everyone, but I do buy stuff from people I like and I buy stuff that I just have to have.  So this year at the Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival I came home with a bunch of stuff.


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Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival Day 2

Today was Day 2 of the Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival.  I met up with my friend Dawn from Dawn’s Mystical Menagerie and one of her friends from work.  Dawn makes sewn bags and blankets, etc and sells them at local craft fairs and comicons.  She was interested in the fabrics and sewing equipment at the festival.  Her friend likes to make wreaths, as she said she likes any craft with glue guns.  lol


Pittsburgh Creative Arts Festival Day 2_7

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My friend Connie and I share the same birthday.  So last year we decided to take the day off and go on a whirlwind tour of the Pittsburgh area yarn shops.  We called it Yarnapolooza.  I did a search of the area for yarn shops and came up with seven shops in and around the city to visit.  So we took the day off of work and went on our yarn shop tour.  This was the first time we visited most of these shops, so it was an exploration mission as well as a shopping extravaganza.

FYI.  I would love to own a yarn shop.  It’s like my dream job or at least a happy little fantasy in my head.  So I love to visit yarn shops.


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