Star Wars Crochet

For years, the only crochet I ever really did was baby blankets.  Every time someone had a baby, I would make an afghan.  So, about two years ago I was standing in line at the craft store, buying yarn for another baby blanket and there it was, on the shelf with all the pattern books and magazines…Star Wars Crochet!  I had to run out of line to grab it.  I just knew that once I was done with my next baby blanket, I was going to make Yoda!

Star Wars Crochet

The kit comes with the materials to create the Yoda and a Storm Trooper.  I started with Yoda, of course.  And I made a lot of mistakes, also of course.

My Yoda mistakes:

  1. I was crocheting in back of rows only.  This is a sloppy habit I picked up when I was young.  Now that I’m back to doing it regularly I’ve corrected this bad habit, but in Yoda it’s pretty noticeable.
  2. I completely messed up the feet and forgot to do the bobble stitches.
  3. I corrected my back of rows folly when I made Yoda’s robe, which made his robe look like it shrank in the wash.

Well, every mistake is a learning experience and I didn’t let my Yoda mistakes stop me.  I continued on with the entire book.

Lucy Collins’ instructions are actually very easy to follow.  I like the fact that she includes illustrations for the patterns.  The set came with 12 patterns and I completed all 12.  And one day I will go back and make a new Yoda, that has feet and a robe that fits.  And I will also make a ton of Storm Troopers and Ewoks, so I can create battle scenes.

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