Hocus Pocus Halloween

This year’s Halloween theme is Hocus Pocus.  Since they closed our office and we are all working from home, I decided to decorate my house instead.  I already shared the Billy Butcherson that I made and Booook.


I divided the front yard into three areas, the Devil’s house, the graveyard, and Sanderson Cottage.

Starting with the devil’s house I took my skeleton and dressed him up like a devil.  Then I added the pitchforks, little white picket fence and flames.  I gave him a candy bucket with Clark Cups (they don’t make Clark Bars anymore).

Next comes the graveyard.  I bought a bunch of headstones and used cobwebs all around.  I have my garden skeleton that comes out of the ground.  I have my Billy Butcherson and his tombstone that I bought on Spirit Halloween online.  There are some dollar store graveyard fences.  I also made a skull pyramid with Styrofoam skulls.


The front porch was decorated like the Sanderson cottage.  Some of the stuff I just had as witchy decorations, other things I bought specific for Hocus Pocus (the doormat, the museum sign, etc.).  I painted some signs with slats of wood from our wood pile.  I made a skeleton in a cage using an idea I got from this pin.  More Hocus Pocus pins and ideas are available on my Hocus Pocus board.

I found the giant cauldron at Party City.  I filled it with tulle and some LED green mini lights.   This makes the cauldron glow green in the dark, without the risk of fire.  I have a fog machine I’ll use on Halloween night, but I looked at various ways to make the cauldron smoke and thought, hmm, I don’t want my house to burn down.

Next post will be my costume as Winifred Sanderson.  That will probably come next weekend, after Halloween.